

Courses taught at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management 

  • Winter term 2016/17: Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German as a foreign language, level A2)



Courses taught at the University of Wuppertal, Germany (German Linguistics)


  • Winter term 2011/2012: Proseminar Deutsch als Zweitsprache - eine schwere Sprache?! (German as a second language – a difficult language?!)
  • Summer term 2011: Advanced seminar Theorien und Modelle der Sprachproduktion (Theories and models of language production)
  • Winter term 2010/2011: Seminar Einführung in die Neurolinguistik (Introduction to neurolinguistics)
  • Winter term 2009/2010: Seminar Erst-, Zweit- und Fremdspracherwerb (2 courses) (First, second, and foreign language acquisition) - Teaching award 2010
  • Summer term 2009: Seminar Das mentale Lexikon (The mental lexicon)



Courses taught at the Goethe-University Frankfurt (Department of German Language and Literature) 

  • April 2007 - March 2008: Writing Centre for graduates (together with Dr. Gabriele Rohowski)
  • April 2006 - März 2008: Writing Centre for undergraduates



Teaching abroad

  • September 2005 - October 2005: Lecturer for German as a foreign language (level A1) at Universidad CUCEA in Guadalajara, Mexiko
  • September 2003 - July 2004: Assistant Teacher at Malvern College, Worcestershire, England (preparing pupils for GCSE, A-Levels and International Baccalaureate for the subject German)